To those who read this blog, I apologize for taking so long to do an update. Kendal hasn't been in therapy for 1 month now, and I am growing more and more lazy by the day. I truly didn't realize how much time and energy I spent thinking about what time I had to get up every morning to have me and her ready on time or the time I just spent observing her while she worked with the therapists. Still, every night I say, "Ok, what's tomorrow?" - trying to prepare for her therapy when she doesn't even have it anymore. It has been nice though getting more sleep and becoming a little lazy. I guess over the last two years the routine finally set in and now I find myself being a little more selfish with things I want to do. I keep thinking, "So this is what normal family life is like."
I have been trying to be patient with the school system in getting Kendal evaluated for services. During spring break, I had sent probably 30 pages of documents on Kendal (evaluations, IFSP, doctors recommendations) to the administrator at the school system. He contacted me last week and said the speech evaluator would give me a call this week to set up a time to see Kendal and that he had forwarded her all the needed documents. I waited until today before calling her myself. I left a message and of course did not get a phone call back. I will wait till Monday and then I will really start calling. For any parents dealing with issues like these, I have learned from experience that I have to stay on top of everything all the time or months will go by with nothing happening. It used to infuriate me that people did not return calls or get back with me in a timely manner, but I know that the squeaky wheel gets the oil and I will be that person if need be.
The interest in what the school system may offer Kendal is due to the fact that our insurance company has so far only agreed to cover 2 therapy sessions a month. We plan on supplementing whatever speech therapy they offer with some private sessions which can be very costly. Once we sit down with the school system and see our options we will know more of what we want to do as far as therapies go. I am hoping they will also provide occupational therapy and a behaviorist to deal with some ongoing issues.
This past week Kendal has been sick. Sunday she woke up with a fever and it hung around 103 all day. After taking her to the doctor on Monday, I discovered she had an ear infection, swollen tonsils, and a sinus infection. Because Kendal is usually so good tempered, I had not noticed any signs until Saturday afternoon when she got a little fussy. Even then, I dismissed it because we spent a couple of hours in the car and I assumed she was just bored. She stayed with Nana on Tuesday and Wednesday I put her back in daycare. Wednesday at lunch the daycare called to tell me that she had vomited a couple times and I needed to come get her. She did not vomit at all (of course) when I had her that afternoon and evening. She went back to daycare today and I think she is back on track. All the kids ran up to her this morning to give her a hug. There are a set of twin girls in her classroom and they totally adore Kendal. The teachers have told me that they take turns following her around and are very protective of her. When I left her this morning, she was walking around with one of the twins following behind her. Too sweet!
Austin's Army Shirts
9 years ago
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