I got such a great response last time I posted a video of Kendal's therapy, I decided I should do it again so everyone could see Kendal's progress. Although it is slow, she continues to make steps toward communicating with the world. She learned a new sign today - WANT. I mean it was just introduced for the first time last week and I think she has totally nailed it.
I was talking to Doris and Shirley today about my aggravation that she is not more verbal. We have been in Speech Therapy for a year now and I was hoping by now we would have had a "da-da". Today Kendal was very quiet as you will see in the video. Sometimes she squeals and makes sounds throughout the session. What can I say, it was Monday morning for us.
I just have to say a huge THANK YOU because both Doris and Shirley have been so supportive and understanding. When I have down days, they let me voice my frustrations and fears and I don't have to worry about being judged or being told I shouldn't feel that way. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself (I guess we all do that sometimes!) and I just think that this parenthood thing is not exactly what I had imagined. I didn't think I would have to learn sign-language to communicate with my child. I didn't think therapies and doctor's appointments would consume so many of my days. Don't get me wrong, parenthood has brought me so much joy and love that it is even hard to describe in words. I feel so utterly blessed to have this child, and yet sometimes frustrated beyond belief.
Tomorrow I'm going to sit down and make a poster of all the signs Kendal is doing. We are going to hang it up at preschool so the teachers can also familiarize themselves with her signs. I think she is up to 8-10 signs. It's pretty amazing that she seems to remember them - she has to remind me of them sometimes!!
Hope everyone has a great week.
P.S. This video was much longer than I anticipated. I have just reviewed it and it has put me in a light slumber. Beware!
Austin's Army Shirts
9 years ago
have you tried the baby signing time dvd's. They are awesome.
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