Monday, October 20, 2008

Getting Back to Normal

Besides the few remaining blisters that are healing, we are slowly getting back to our "normal" life. We haven't had speech therapy in 2 weeks - the first week was Suzanne's vacation and the second week was when Kendal was sick. Kendal really put on a show for Suzanne this morning using several of her signs without prompting. I am so proud of Kendal!!! In the next day or two I will post a video of some of her signs so please check back. I know everyone seems to enjoy the videos.
After therapy this morning we headed to Vanderbilt for an appointment with Dr. Moulton (gastroenterlogist). He is an awesome doctor mainly because he is such a great communicator. When he comes in the room, he is focused on us and not anything happening across the hall. With all the doctors we have gone to, I think he is one of my favorites because he is so attentive. He is leaving Kendal's dosage on the Prevacid up to us. Of course, we want to eventually get her off the medication for reflux, but he advised us to play with lowering it at our own discretion.
After that, we headed down to the lab for bloodwork. Kendal did really good considering they took 3 vials which seemed like it took forever. There was a mother holding her baby who couldn't have been any older than 3 months. The baby was screaming throughout the ordeal. When finished the father came and took the baby and the mother totally broke down. I felt so bad. I know what it's like to sit and listen to your baby scream in pain or fear, and not be able to do anything about it.
Kendal went back to her daycare today and didn't seem to have any problems getting back into the routine. She loves her teachers and runs up to them to be picked up. She totally knows how to work it. She has them eating out of her hands.
On a side note - when I was going to the doctors office this morning there was a small boy by the elevators in the parking garage leaning on his mother. As we waited for the elevator, the child continuously vomited in a bucket his mother held. It was obvious that he was a cancer patient from his bald head, very weak body, and paleness. It is always so easy for us to take things for granted. I get frustrated because parents take for granted that their children can talk to them. I needed a wake-up call that I too take for granted that my child is a healthy and happy girl. I thanked God right there for all his blessings on us. We all are so fortunate in so many ways.


Shirley said...

Kendal is so beautiful! Blisters and all :) She is growing so fast and starting to look like a big girl now.

Don't you wish you could make time slow down? I know I do.

Anonymous said...

I hope she feels much better very fast.
