We have also been trying to work on Estate Planning for Kendal and it is such a large task to undergo. Everything from putting fact books together of Kendal's medical doctors, her wants, and likes and dislikes to hiring an attorney to put everything together - it's a big job. We subscribed to Protected Tomorrows (http://www.protectedtomorrows.com/) as it provides a step-by-stop process to help us with these issues. If only I could hire someone to do it all for me! Just finding the time to get these things handled becomes a very hard issue.
Halloween was so fun this year! Kendal had a princess outfit that she had received as a hand-me-down from her cousins, but it was a little too tight and the fabric was irritating to Kendal's skin. We purchased Kendal a Cheerleading outfit (mainly because it was one of the few things that didn't require a hat or something else on her head, which Kendal hates). She very quickly understood the concept of walking up to doors and getting candy. So beware ---if Kendal walks up to your door, she is probably expecting candy and she can throw a fit with the best of them.
Hope everyone enjoys the pictures. She is becoming such a big girl!
Please keep the faith with me on these posts - I will try to do better!
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