Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ok Seriously, is it June already?

Ahhhh...summer is here and the craziness continues! We are again changing our schedules due to Kendal's therapies and changes in the school year. Although Kendal was only in the school program for about 5 weeks, she was finally getting comfortable going and was having fun with her new friends. Of course, the school year came to a screeching halt on May 29th and we had an end-of-the-year party for her class. Both me and James were able to be there and meet some of the other parents and sit in during circle time before the kids got to play in the sprinkler outside and jump in the bouncy cage. It was really fun and Kendal had a ball!

Circle Time

Kendal with AnnMarie (her teacher) running through the sprinkler

My Cutie-Pie

Next week will be a little crazy for us. Kendal sees the Geneticist (Marshall Summar) again for her 6-month follow-up appointment. I really like this doctor and he really seemed to understand us and was concerned about our family unit as much as Kendal's diagnosis. Our last visit with him lasted about 2 hours which is pretty unheard of in this day and age. Then on Thursday we go back to Vanderbilt to try to get some things handled on the research study ( that Kendal is in. We will go in about 3:00 in the afternoon on Thursday and will see the geneticist again, the neurologist, and a sleep specialist. We will stay overnight for the sleep study (which I am totally dreading) and then we should finish up sometime Friday mid-morning. Needless to say, I will be taking off work on Friday because I don't suppose that me or Kendal will get any sleep that night.

The following week (June 22-26) we will get in our new schedule. Resource class on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-10. Speech Therapy on Wednesday from 8:30-9. Speech Therapy on Thursday from 7:30-8:30. This will go on for a little over a month and then school will start back up on August 3rd.

Speaking of school, I have always been prepared to fight for any services that I felt Kendal might need through the school system. I am surprised however because I have been extremely pleased with what is being offered to her. The last week of school, we had another IEP meeting to discuss the results of her Occupational and Physical Therapy evaluations. To my surprise, Kendal was approved for the 2009-2010 school year to receive: 2-Speech Therapy sessions per week, 2-Occupational Therapy sessions per week, and 1-Physical Therapy session per week, in addition to the 4-days a week of Resource Class. Of course it does not hurt to know people within the school system and we have been blessed to have several people involved in decision making that are close friends of the family.

Despite my constant worry, God always always provides and takes care of us. I don't know how I could ever doubt him.


Paula said...

You are doing such a great job. You make me feel like I can do it when time is ready.
I will think of you during your study.
