Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Belated Mothers Day!

I'm sorry this is late, but I did want to send out a special post to all the wonderful mothers that are doing such an amazing job raising our kids in this sometimes crazy and bizarre world we live in today. Please keep up the fight to raise moral, caring, and courageous children. They are the future and don't forget they will be taking care of us while we're in the nursing homes. That is truly a scary thought!

With Kendal being my only child, I am used to her silence. Used to the fact that I do not know what "I love you, mom" sounds like from her mouth. And even if I never actually hear her speak it, I know that she loves and appreciates me by telling me in other ways. Sometimes though we just want to hear it.

No matter how discouraged, frustrated, or lost I can sometimes feel when I am trying to do the best for my child, I have to remind myself that God placed this special child with me because he knew I was the perfect mother for her. What an amazing honor!

These are the beautiful flowers my sister sent to me! Thank you Katie, Mike, Marilyn, & Olivia.

This is Kendal running around with my card, not wanting to give it to me.

This is one of my favorite sayings by one of my favorite artists. Please check out her website. I have several of her prints/canvases in Kendal's room.

"thank you, mom, for loving me before you ever knew me. thank you for cutting the crusts off my sandwich and driving me everywhere I needed to go. thank you for your precious hands that heal every ache and pain. thank you for being my wisest counsel and my best friend. and thank you for being my heart’s first home. I love you, mom."


Amber said...

I love that sweet! You are a great mom, and I got to witness it every week for almost 2 years. Kendal clearly loves you even if she has to communicate it in her own unique way:)

Lindsey said...

Thank you so much for the Mother's Day card.
