Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kerrie's Sad Attempt to be Martha Stewart

As if I have nothing else to do, I decided to embark on a more extravagant version of a "Valentine's Day Card" this year for Kendal's class. When I decided to do this, I admit I was somewhat disillusioned and possible mentally disturbed.

I got clear little cups and made "to" and "from" labels on each cup along with stickers to decorate. I then filled the cups with candies, stickers, balloons and a lollipop. As I stayed up past my bedtime to finish this the night before Kendal's party, I soon began to realize how deranged I really was. Did I actually believe that 2-3 year olds would appreciate my hard work? Hardly. And then I realized what it really was. I was trying to impress the parents, teachers, etc. I guess I just wanted to show them - Ha ha! I can have obstacles at home, deal with therapies 4 days a week with Kendal, work a full-time job, commute 70 miles a day and still do these extra things for Kendal. But it really wasn't for Kendal, was it?

I wonder if I will ever learn?


Paula said...

oh but how sweet that is. As a former teacher, you do realize the ones that make efforts. And Kendal will. You did very well mommy!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are nice. It was a great thought. Hope you guys had a great Valentines day.

Anonymous said...

I think you were probably trying to convince yourself. Because the other people, they don't really care. Not past the moment.

Just because you CAN do it all, doesn't mean you SHOULD. I love you Kerrie even though you'll probably never learn. Just kidding. The Valentine's were very cute though!
